Award Description: A general award description provided by TESL Ontario for the purpose of consistency.
Sharing their time, expertise and commitment, TESL Ontario affiliate volunteers make it possible for our members to connect in their local communities.
TESL Ontario and its affiliates are introducing the Affiliate Service Award to publically acknowledge the vital contributions of the volunteers who are instrumental in the success of their local TESL Ontario affiliate.
Nominee Overview: (short description of who your nominees are. Basically a summary of your nominee qualifications.)
The nominee should be someone – executive committee member or any other affiliate member- who has been an active, long-standing volunteer in the affiliate and has consistently contributed their time and energy to ensure the efficient functioning and/or success of the TESL Niagara affiliate and its activities.
Nominee Qualifications: (bullet point, definition-type statements of what your nominee must have accomplished/contributed in order to be considered for this award.)
The nominee for the Affiliate Service Award will have:
· demonstrated long-standing (i.e. at least 5 years), continuous and consistent volunteering in the affiliate
· contributed freely of their time and energy, time and time again, to mentor and help other affiliate members
· contributed valuable skills and expertise to the success and efficient functioning of the affiliate over a long period of time
· had an impact in the community through their long-standing work in the affiliate and have been instrumental in raising the profile of the affiliate and/or ESL teaching in the community
· made an outstanding and noteworthy single contribution (i.e. financial or otherwise) to the affiliate in the past year
Nomination Process: (clear step-by-step instructions for how a member of your affiliate would submit a nomination for consideration of the award.)
Remember to include such items as:
· specifics of the expectations of the nomination letter
· where/ how they submit the nomination (if using an email address this needs to be an email address that will not cease to exist as your affiliate executive changes over time.)
· specify that only one award will be issued per year
· how the nominations will be judged/evaluated/voted upon
· how successful candidates will be notified
· your policy for dealing with incomplete nominations
How can you nominate a deserving individual for the TESL Niagara Affiliate Service Award? To nominate someone for the Affiliate Service Award (normally ONE PER YEAR) please follow these steps:
· Download the TESL Niagara Service Award Nomination Form found on our website (
· Complete all information, then sign and date the form. Remember that you must have the two seconders also complete and sign the form.
o PLEASE NOTE: Incomplete forms (i.e. missing information, signatures etc.) will be discarded without notifying the nominator. o PLEASE NOTE: Family members of the Service Award Nominee cannot submit or second a Nomination. · Please submit the completed form electronically(as a PDF file) to the Nomination Committee, TESL Niagara ([email protected]) by March 10.
· The Nomination Committee will assess the nominations received, and if there is more than one candidate, the Executive Committee as a whole will have a secret vote to determine the successful candidate.
o PLEASE NOTE: Executive Committee members who have submitted a Nomination form or seconded a nominee will be asked to recuse themselves if a vote is necessary to determine the successful candidate.
· The President of the Niagara Affiliate, together with the Chair of the Nomination Committee will inform the successful candidate by email. This information will then be announced to the membership on our website and in the next affiliate Newsletter. The Affiliate Service Award will normally be awarded at the AGM.
Conflict of Interest: (as it pertains to the nomination letters)
e.g. Please note that the Nomination and the Letter of Support cannot be provided by family members.
1) PLEASE NOTE: Family members of the Service Award Nominee cannot make or second a Nomination.
2) PLEASE NOTE: Executive Committee members who have submitted a Nomination form or seconded a nominee will be asked to recuse themselves if a vote is necessary to determine the successful candidate.